Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Spring Makeover:

If you’re weary of winter, so are your houseplants. Those dark and dry indoor conditions have really taken a toll. Now is the time to look them over with a critical eye and give them some extra TLC. Remove any dry or yellowed leaves. If they have gotten leggy from darkness, prune them back to encourage new side growth. While you’re up close and personal, look for any signs of insect infestation. (A magnifying glass can help with this task.) If you see bugs, consider discarding the plant and treating yourself to a new one so it does not infect any other plants you may have. Now look at the soil and pot size. You can gently remove the plant from the pot by inverting it and giving the pot a gentle tap. If the root ball is crammed looking, it is time to divide the plant into two pots or repot it into a larger pot. At this stage, chances are the soil is depleted of nutrients, so new soil will really give it new life. Use a good commercial bagged potting soil that is light and full of organic matter.  As the days get longer and warmer it is time to start fertilizing again. Any good houseplant food used according to the label will do. Your plants will reward you with new vibrant growth and flowers. Enjoy!
Posted by Mary

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